Friday, 23 January 2009

A new challenge

I've decided over the last couple of weeks to stick to just 2 sites for the time being, until I have a comfortable roll on them.

Blonde: for mtt's. Especially after a decent start to the year.
Stars: for stt's. Purely about traffic levels. Oh and starting to learn bankroll management.

At the moment, I'm playing the $3 turbo stt's. Don't find them difficult at all, but as I've only started on them tonight, maybe its beginners luck

Played 3. Total spend $10.20
1st = $15
2nd = $9

and lost in the other aipf in the 1st level AA v JJ v 44.. obv 44 won

so a good start. As I'm working a lot over the next week or so, I won't have time for mtt's apart from maybe Sunday night, so am planning on 3-4 tabling stt's on stars which I'm comfortable doing. $300 profit is my target before moving up...

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